Heading to Haiti once again this Christmas Season to work alongside communities on the island of La Gonave. Church leaders and CHE Committees of Anse-a-Galetes and Non Mango are seeing phenomenal results in both physical and spiritual health and development. My training partner, Francy Ogle (with Global CHE Network and GTN) and I will be providing TOT II level training for the committee members to expand their capacity in community development.
Since 2012 these local Haitian Christian leaders have established CHE committees in more than 45 villages with nearly 7,000 decisions for Christ. It is humbling to come alongside them in their effort.
Please pray for these spiritual warriors as they advance the Kingdom of God. Haiti is in the middle of political unrest on top of crushing poverty so prayers for safety are appreciated for our team and those we go to serve. Our team this trip includes two Pastor trainers, a medical team from DecAid Project and two additional helpers who are new to Haiti.
The island of La Gonave lies off the west coast of Haiti. Graced by white sandy beaches La Gonave is a true visual paradise. La Gonave is home to approximately 120,000 people, many of whom are considered to be the poorest of the poor.
Does your NGO, church or ministry work in Haiti or send short-term teams to Haiti? If you are interested in learning more about CHE Training in Haiti or around the world please be sure to contact me so we can build collaboration and connect you with CHE training in your area. (CHE stands for Community Health Evangelism which is all about physical and spiritually integrated development strategy with training offered through the Global CHE Network.) We will come to your church or help you find CHE trainers in-country for your ministry.
Part of our mission at The Hospitality Table is to build the capacity of Christ's Body to make disciples anywhere in the world beginning right at home around our own dining room table. Our motto: "Hospitality looks a lot like discipleship" works wherever it is tried, and it is a privilege to be on mission in all the world just as we were commissioned to do in Matthew 28.

Rebecca Walker is a CHE Trainer and Founder of The Hospitality Table discipleship movement in Phoenix, Arizona.
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